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Fountaine Pajot Aura 51 - 4 cabins

Available from: Seget Donji ID: 472

Basic information

Producer: Fountaine Pajot
Built : 2024
Length: 15.54 m
Number of cabins: 4
Number of bathrooms: 4
Crew:  Skipper
Crew number: 1
Crewed catamarans
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Layout Layout

General information

Charter Info

Beam: 8,08 m 
Draught: 1,22 m 
Water tank: 900 l 
Fuel tank: 900 l 
Engine: 2 x 75.0 HP (2 X 55,93 KW) 

Prices and availibilities


Fountaine Pajot Aura 51 - 4 cabins

2025 EUR/week
01.01. - 17.05. 8900
18.05. - 25.05. 9800
25.05. - 01.06. 13000
01.06. - 15.06. 16700
15.06. - 06.07. 18900
06.07. - 17.08. 20900
17.08. - 31.08. 18900
31.08. - 14.09. 16700
14.09. - 21.09. 13000
21.09. - 28.09. 8900
28.09. - 31.12. 8900

Payment conditions

50 % upon reservation, balance payment at latest 4 weeks prior to arrival.

Price includes


Boat rental with complete equipment

Accommodation on board

Outboard engine


Bed linen and towels

Wi-Fi (3 GB)

Additional costs

APA - 3000 EUR - Obligatory if the hostess is hired

Transit log (obligatory) - 545 - 655 EUR - depending on the ft range

Skipper service (obligatory) - 275 EUR / day + food

Service of hostess - 263 EUR / day + food

Port fees and anchorages - extra 

Food and beverages - extra 

Fuel - extra 

Check In/Check Out

Arrival: Sat

Check In: 17:00 h
Check Out: 09:00 h